Did You Know?
Showing a house during the holidays is a challenge. You have decluttered, cleaned, staged, and primped up the curb appeal. Don’t waste all that hard work by forgetting to tackle the air quality in your home.
Being greeted with an odor in a house is not the first impression you want to make. It’s important that the house smell CLEAN. Not perfumed or roiling in scented candle smells. Sometimes perfumed air is worse than the odor that is being covered.
Pet odor
You can take your pets out of the house, but you must neutralize their odor in the house. Keep their beds and lounging areas super clean. Launder their beds and keep them groomed and clean.
Smoking in a home permeates the carpets, draperies, and upholstery. If you must smoke, I suggest you do it outside while trying to sell your house. Sprinkling baking soda on the carpet, allowing it to absorb the pet and smoke odors, will go a long way.
Enough said.
Food smells
Pay attention to what you cook the day of a showing and the day before a showing. Frying fish not only puts an oily smell into your house, but a fishy one as well. Cooked cabbage and brussels sprouts do not create a feeling of hominess to many people. Save the robust-smelling meals that you and I love for an outdoor kitchen or until after the house sells.
For an emergency air freshener:
Add water to a saucepan or small crockpot along with a fresh lemon or lime that has been sliced or quartered. Add in a spice you may have on hand, like a cinnamon stick or basil. Simmer very slowly, being sure not to let it simmer dry.