The Listing Agent

A listing agent, also known as a seller’s agent or Seller Representative, is a real estate professional who represents the seller in a property transaction. Their primary duties include assessing the property’s market value, marketing it effectively to attract potential buyers, staging the home to showcase its best features, negotiating sale terms, and guiding the seller through the selling process. In contrast, a buyer’s agent focuses on the interests of the buyer, helping them find a property that fits their criteria, advising them on the offer, and negotiating purchase terms. A broker, on the other hand, may perform the duties of a listing or buyer’s agent but also has the additional responsibilities and licensure to manage their own real estate business, oversee transactions, and supervise other real estate agents.

For Homeowners with Lezamiz Real Estate Co., it’s no-stress with award-winning home sales. Proudly offering an array of real estate services designed to ensure your selling experience is not only profitable but also stress-free.

Image representing 'The Seller Representative' featuring a professional setting with a real estate expert advising a client

Home Seller Incentives

A Listing Agent develops incentives to sellers to maximize market potential.

A Little! Dated
Update Now Pay Later Homes Repaired Before The Market Paint the Door Red
Update Now! Pay Later

A Twin Falls Realtor can get all of those home repairs before your home goes on the market, done on our dime.

120! Guarantee
120 day guarantee to sell your house
Guaranteed Sold!

A Twin Falls Realtor puts offers on the table after 120 days and stands ready to purchase your home.

Multiple Listing Services

Digital graphic of a network of connected home icons over a cityscape, symbolizing a smart real estate network on a glowing teal background.


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    Abstract illustration symbolizing a Real Estate Sales Representative in Idaho, featuring bold black and red elements such as stylized houses, a handshake, keys, and dynamic lines against a white background.

    The Seller Representative

    Benefit, not only from the Multiple Listing Services (MLS), but The Seller Representative can offer professional photography and staging, innovative marketing and advertising, and efficient Showing Scheduling. Plus, receive valuable feedback about the showings to further inform your selling strategy.

    Our proven track record ensures your home sells and easily overcomes the unique challenges of ANY Idaho Real Estate market.

    Visit ‘The Seller Representative’ Page to send your selling journey into a successful, profitable, and stress-free experience.