Fall Back Sunday 2018
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Before you go to bed Saturday evening November 3rd, give yourself an extra hour of sleep and turn your clock back one hour. Daylight Saving Time officially ends for the year, Sunday November 4, 2018 at 2 A. M. It is time to regain the hour we forfeited last spring.
Fall Back Sunday 2018
The idea of turning the clocks back and forth each spring and fall originated with a New Zealand entomologist who wanted more daylight during his working day to hunt for bugs. The idea was introduced favorably in England in 1908 but it was Germany who executed the idea in 1916 during World War I to save resources.
Proposed in the United States as a way to help farmers utilize more daylight hours when planting crops in the spring, it seems the retail industry was also in favor of the idea which would provide additional daylight hours for shopping in the late afternoon and evenings.
Used randomly during WW I and II and inconsistently among the states, Congress adopted The Uniform Time Act in 1966 to help regulate the dates and use of daylight saving time throughout the US.
Currently the states of Arizona and Hawaii do not observe daylight saving time. The state of Florida overwhelmingly approved using daylight saving time year-round in March of 2018. Congress will need to amend the Uniform Time Act in order for the law to go into effect. Fall Back Sunday 2018
Be sure to check the official site:
Pro: Longer Evenings
Setting the clocks forward one hour in spring does not create more daylight, but it does change the time (on the clock) the Sun rises and sets. So, when we spring forward an hour in spring, we add one hour of natural daylight to our afternoon schedule.
Fall Back Sunday 2018
Proponents of DST argue that longer evenings motivate people to get out of the house. The extra hour of daylight can be used for outdoor recreation like golf, soccer, baseball, running, etc. That way, DST may counteract the sedentary lifestyle of modern living.
The tourism industry profits from brighter evenings. Longer evenings give people more time to go shopping, to restaurants, or to other events, boosting the local economy.
Con: Doesn’t Save Energy
A century ago, when DST was introduced, more daylight was a good thing because it meant less use of artificial light and more energy savings. Modern society, with its computers, TV-screens, and air conditioning units, uses more energy, no matter if the Sun is up or not. Today, the amount of energy saved from DST is negligible.
When Indiana decided to introduce DST in 2006, a study found that the measure actually increased energy use in the state.
Pro: Less Artificial Light
One of the aims of DST is to make sure that people’s active hours coincide with daylight hours so that less artificial light is needed. This makes less sense close to the equator, where the amount of daylight does not vary much in a year, or near the poles, where the difference between winter and summer daylight hours is very large.
However, at latitudes between these extremes, adjusting daily routines to the shifting day length during summer may indeed help to save energy. A German analysis of 44 studies on energy use and DST found a positive relationship between latitude and energy savings.
Con: Can Make People Sick
Changing the time, even if it is only by one hour, disrupts our body clocks or circadian rhythm. For most people, the resulting tiredness is simply an inconvenience. For some, however, the time change can have more serious consequences to their health.
Studies link the lack of sleep at the start of DST to car accidents, workplace injuries, suicide, and miscarriages.
The early evening darkness after the end of the DST period is linked to depression.
The risk of suffering a heart attack is also increased when DST begins. However, the extra hour of sleep we get at the end of DST has, in turn, been linked to fewer heart attacks.
How DST affects your health
Pro: Lighter = Safer
Safety is one of the more solid arguments for keeping the lighter evenings of DST.
Studies have found that DST contributes to improved road safety by reducing pedestrian fatalities by 13% during dawn and dusk hours.
Another study found a 7% decrease in robberies following the spring shift to DST.
Con: Costs Money
It is hard to determine the economic cost of the collective tiredness caused by DST, but studies have found a decrease in productivity after the spring transition.
The City of New York invested 1.5 million US dollars in a dusk and darkness safety campaign for the DST change for the fall of 2016.
There is an extra cost in building DST support into computer systems and keeping them maintained, as well as manually changing clocks.